“BeansBIT” takes your privacy seriously and therefore does everything to protect it as well as possible.
This applies to both the professionals affiliated with us and our users. In this privacy statement you
can read what we do with your data, and especially what does not. In this privacy statement, we will
explain why and for what purposes we collect and process personal data that you provide to us for the
use of our services. We always comply with the Personal Data Protection Act. That means that we:
clearly state the purposes for which we process personal data, and whether or not permission is required;
to continually limit our collection of personal data to only those personal data that are necessary for
legitimate purposes, for example to make the use of our site easier for you;
first ask for explicit permission to use your personal data when the law requires permission;
Clearly state when we use your personal data if no permission is required by law.
Take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data; we also require parties
that process personal data in our order.
Respect your right to view, correct or delete your personal data on request.
You can actively provide our personal data, for example in an e-mail or via a web form.